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  • Dialysis Access
PLEASE NOTE: You do not need to register or add this course to your activities. Simply click on the link below to access the video. DO NOT CLICK ON THE REGISTER OR START BUTTON.DescriptionThis microlearning discusses presentation, diagnosis and management options for Hemodialysis Access Induced Digital Ischemia (steal syndrome).FacultyYana Etkin MD
  • Aortic Dissection
PLEASE NOTE: You do not need to register or add this course to your activities. Simply click on the link below to access the video. DO NOT CLICK ON THE REGISTER OR START BUTTON.DescriptionThis microlearning discusses how to optimize both inpatient and outpatient medical management of patients with uncomplicated acute type B aortic dissections.FacultyPaul D. DiMusto, MD
  • Leadership
CME credit is not offered for this activity.This content is provided free to members and non-members of SVS. If you are not a current member of SVS, click here for information on how to apply for membership.
